How To Match Eyeshadow And Lips With Your Clothes

We all know that in order to look totally polished our makeup needs to be on point. Eyeshadow is one of those things that can look really incredible, or look absolutely terrible. It all depends on how adept you are at applying eyeshadow colors for the ultimate flattering look. Try shades from Dose of Colors.

Picking eyeshadow colors to match your outfit isn’t always an easy task. Often, there are several different things that you need to keep in mind. Still, if you follow these tried-and-true rules you’ll be looking fabulous.

Think Of Complimentary Colors

Don’t be too matchy-matchy; it looks dated and strange, especially if you’re wearing certain colors. Just like you wouldn’t totally match your shoes to your outfit, you shouldn’t match your eyeshadow completely. Instead, look for a complementary color that will make your eyes pop and your outfit look amazing.

The best way to do this is to consult the color wheel and choose an eyeshadow in the color right across from the one you’re wearing. For example, if you are rocking a green shirt don’t be afraid to wear a rust-tinged eyeshadow. Your eyes will look incredible and the hints of rust will amplify the green in your blouse.

Watch Super Bright Colors

Bright eyeshadow colors are very 1987, so unless your name is Cyndi Lauper, stay away from really bright colors. They can wash out your face, age you prematurely, and make you look way overdone for daytime.

If you’re wearing a bright blouse, don’t worry about it. You can always get away with a more muted complimentary color on your eyelids. Alternately, you can go for a neutral palette so that all of the attention is on your outfit. 

Think About The Time Of Day

Different times of day call for different makeup looks. You can definitely get away with a lot more drama after the sun goes down. Winged liner and bold eyeshadow is amazing for a 9 pm romantic dinner, but it’s totally out of place for an 8 am sales meeting with your boss. 

The same rules of using complementary colors still apply whether the sun is up or down, but you should use more muted versions during the day. When in doubt, temper your color with a little bit of neutral or use a really light swipe on your eye. It’s always better to have to apply more than to realize that you are way overdone and look like a clown!

Bold Eyes Need A Neutral Lip Color

Unless you are performing in a Broadway musical, choose to highlight either your eyes or your lips. A lush, dark lip calls for a more neutral eye. Similarly, you can get away with a lot more on your eyes if your lipstick it muted.

When it comes to looking fabulous, having the ability to match your eyeshadow to our outfit is one way to be completely put together. Use these tips and tricks to get that coveted look and shades from Dose of Colors.